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Auntpotato's Drivel

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Holidays (of course my post is NSFW)

The holidays are a wondrous, joyous time... for the most part.  That is, to say, except for work right about now.  I am doing every god-damned thing right and nothing is going my way at work right now.  It drives me batty.  Let's show up early to the doctor.  Hey, cool that you showed up early; now wait 45 extra minutes.  Hope you don't mind...  Hey, you've got your day all planned out and you're excited at the possibilities.  Cool!  Here's a nice crisis to sweeten your busy fucking day!  Oh cool, you've got some office time.  Well, here's two days worth of work you can't do in the office, and it's urgent.  Jesus!

What does this have to do with the holidays, you ask?  Well, not a whole lot.  However, it complicates an already complicated time of year when everything is fucked up, without daylight, or behind schedule...

People freak out over the holidays for some reason.  Until I entered the official indentured work force, I didn't realize how work loads could freak out with holidays looming.  I guess that I did, but didn't fully appreciate this oft-shadowed upcoming holiday as much as the biggie upcoming holiday.  I used to look at those poor bastards who put in the 40 and laughed as I went to class for 3 hours per day.  Rough fuckin' life.

This shouldn't surprise anyone who works 40, but it came as a shock because last year at work was pretty sweet.  This year is just shit-filled.  It's affecting my desire to do anything for my birthday, get excited about Christmas, or even about snow (which is a double-edged idea in itself).  I was doing emails at 8:30 tonight because of stuff at work today.

I'm just really ready to gorge myself and have a day off.  Happy turkey day, America.  Enjoy and don't do any work if you can help it.  Yes, you can sleep when you're dead, but damn it, no one's stopping a turkey coma over here.